
Dangerously organic!

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could've done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly... who had the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

-Theodore Roosevelt

Isn't that an inspiring quote? I noticed a new book on the shelf entitled "Daring Greatly", by Brene Brown. This quote was the inspiration for the title. 

I keep running into people who read Zoobird and smile broadly. I'm glad you all are enjoying it. It's certainly a fine outlet and a wonderful way to keep in touch.

There's a secret to building content inertia. I find that I have to stir the pot constantly to get people to write.  Well, consider this a great big stir!

I find myself yearning for contact with the great friends I've made along the way. Dirt dot Kurt (Sandoval) comes to mind instantly. Kurt dropped by my place in Gainesville on his bike ride south. I recorded this interview:

Kurt's website, Bike Grease and Coffee, is one I find myself going back to again and again (http://www.bikegreaseandcoffee.com/). I love his writing style and the photos are evocative. Sometimes I feel like Dora the Explorer because I come back again and again. I read the same stuff and enjoy it every time. There's a lot of content! And, the links to his friend's websites have brought a new circle of travelers into my life. People like Anna who writes A Thousand Turns. You see, by following these blogs, you too can have the insights and starting point you need along with those secrets only travelers in the know have. And, you can go the routes, too. Yep! You can.

By the way, I took that mountain photo flying out of Portland, Oregon last summer. I've gone to Portland every year for not enough years so far! I'm already checking airfares for this summer's trip. It seems like I'm always checking airfares. 


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