
Dangerously organic!

Let me indulge a few random thoughts. Ron is still abroad, though we haven't heard from him since his last post from Thailand, basically stranded as the airport is controlled by protesters.

The picture you see above is one I took from the shore of Lake Sibelia, a very pretty lake in Maitland, FL.

Did you notice that Venus and Jupiter were close to the moon a few days ago?

Thanks to our friends at Indigo Green Store for mentioning Zoobird in their newsletter. The workshop I attended and blogged about called "Fall Harvest Festival" left us with new friends and information. I got a good look at Indigo from the inside out. They are truly a business that cares about the community. This Fall Harvest Festival was a free workshop put on at considerable expense by Indigo and Organic Edible Landscapes. I came away with knowledge about composting, grafting, permaculture, planting, and more.

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