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You'll love this movie - it features music by David Byrne and lots of cool fixed gear bikes! Please let us know what you think...

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Comment by Michael Levin on March 21, 2012 at 6:10pm

Yes, that's the one. And, what a build it is! Check out the set of photos at this article I posted a while back. 

Comment by Tim Kinney on March 21, 2012 at 5:54pm

Here's a  link to the flicker photo I ran across of you with a Zebrakenko.  Is this the one that got away?


Comment by Michael Levin on March 21, 2012 at 5:41pm

I love that paint job, Tim. Now, to be accurate, the Zebrakenko wasn't mine. I rode it, thought about it a lot and finally went back to buy it and it had been sold. I told the barista at a coffee shop about it and she smiled broadly and said a friend of hers had bought it! The Pop Art fixie you (and I) like reminds me of one I see frequently in front of the Civic Media Center. That's what I'm talkin' about ~ fixie = art form.  Notice the unlocked chain...

Comment by Tim Kinney on March 21, 2012 at 5:25pm

Wow, Michael, life is too strange!  I just ran across pics of your Zebrakenko today when I was searching for more info about the brand.  What inspired my bicycle lust was this one on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pop-Art-Fixed-Gear-Road-Bike-Frame-Zebraken...

Comment by Michael Levin on March 21, 2012 at 5:11pm

Thruster ::: Fixie

Ha! The Thruster found its way to Finca Mycol via intrepid WWOOFer Jean Weilbach of South Africa. I just snapped this photo about a week ago.

I truly love fixies and the way it feels to ride them. I don't like the pedal scrape danger and relying on the thighs to stop, but it's cool! You'll notice a Discussion in the Bike Zoo about a Zebrakenko I rode. I like the art form aspect the fixie style begs. The simplicity is nice. 

BikesnobNYC is the go to blog for me. It's one that I read every chance I get. I am proud to say I inspired the recent goat blog Eban did by sending him the craigslist post about a stolen goat in Bronson. 

Comment by Tim Kinney on March 21, 2012 at 2:27pm

Loved it.  I keep wondering how long it will take for the fixie culture to die.  Maybe it's dead already and I'm the last to know.  Maybe it's a new permanent category of bicycles which will go on forever.  Hope so.

The NYC bike snob has something he calls the Pistadex. http://bikesnobnyc.blogspot.com/2007/11/bsnyc-fixed-gear-apocalypse...   According to him, it's all over if the price of a Bianchi Pista falls below $400 on craigslist.  I thought I smelled blood when WalMart offered a very colorful fixie for $99.


But, I still see plenty of really sweet fixed gear bikes in G'ville.


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