
Dangerously organic!

From Woodstock to the Gulf:Dolphins Songs override bp oil spill

From Woodstock to the Gulf:Dolphins Songs override bp oil spill

There are all kinds of brilliant efforts being done by common folk, guerrilla herbal, and, enzyme healing efforts at the waters edge,healing circles
and global prayer initiatives, with foot dragging, red tape,trickery
lies and utter laziness by those who should be slaving night and day to
make it right. So much for the mainstream, because we all need to be on
a new stream to protect the blessed Gulf Stream or before too long
there will be no stream left that is not toxic to all life.

OK I am over my rant! Yep the Hole is now closed and just when I predicted too as Chiron went back out of Pisces.

I keep working with the dolphins through my music and organizing spiritual healing teams. I had a realization the other night after
playing some absolutely divine music. Astrologers including myself have
likened this time to the energies present in the late 60's and I was
indeed one of the Woodstock generation and actually was there! For 4
days I listened to some of the best music the world has known
absorbing some of the highest vibrations of love I have ever

When I wrote my article about Woodstock last year for the 40 year anniversary[see my BLog Post from last summer] something wonderful happened to me. It was as if something mystical that had been
downloaded into my psyche like some magical time capsule at Woodstock
to be released at just the right time for me to utilize its

From that day on, my life has changed in leaps spiritually but still I did not fully grasp the purpose and method for my forward movement.
Before the music was playing at Woodstock, I took a tab of Purple Ousley acid actually given to me outside a Jefferson Airplane concert at the Fillmore West earlier that summer from the man himself. Ah my well spent

Aside from the fact that this was an absolutely amazing trip, something profound happened to me.

I actually heard what metaphysicians call "The Music of the Spheres". This is the sum of the sounds of the wind and the
leaves,trees,insects,birds and of course the Goddess Herself, a
blissfully Divine Hum more beautiful than any music of this world and
yet surely crested by this world.

I remember laying face down in the field all by myself awestruck by the sounds that seemed to envelop and elevate me.
This was my first and last experience of this phenomena but I do believe that somehow something was infused into my psyche and is coming
through me now, right on schedule as lightning -like outer planet
Uranus awakens my Piscean Sun and Moon and entire chart!

There are parts of me feeling more radically alive than I have in some time as well as feeling a renewed sense of purpose and excitement that had been lacking. Everything that I do and have done is
culminating into a more singular path which feels wonderful.

As an astrologer, I was waiting to see what changes would occur as I was certainly due but somehow this crisis in the Gulf has activated this new Shamanic musical connection for me via my communication with
the dolphins. What better way for a Piscean animal communicator to
enter this world?

To some all of this may sound crazy but to me it all fits together like a fascinating tapestry and I am inside the experience and the resonance
is profound.

The dolphins had told me many years ago that crystals were like a fresh glass of water for them and so the stone healer in me has been called
in as well. I surround myself with the high powered Lemurian laser
crystals as I tune in to play to the beloved dolphins and other marine
creatures sending them musical healing on crystalline waves of light.

I know that playing Shamanic music for healing is what I was born to do!
Blessings Flash

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