
Dangerously organic!

Lampang, Thailand

Hello Dear Friends:

Thailand in general is a mix of complete chaos and very kind, peaceful people. I have been treated very kindly for no reason I think other than it is their nature to do so. I met with the manager of the Thai Elephant Conservaton Centre yesterday, and learned much about the issues pertaining to domestic elephant conservation and the implications on wild elephants and conservations lands; more later with images when I can get to a reliable connect: possibly Bangkok sometime tomorrow. I have spent as much time as possible learnuing about the political issues associated with elephant protection and sustainability in general here, (one of my primary objectives); they are considerable.

Tomorrow I will return to Bangkok for a little less than a day, before going to Kaeng Krachan-Kuiburi National Park for three days in the field with WWF ecologists, and on the third day will meet with ag corp representatives re. human-elephant conflict issues they have caused through their thoughtless enterprise.

"K3NP" is the largest conservation area remaining in Thailand, and home of a greatest percentage of wild elephants remaining in the area. Recently, a huge transnational citrus conglomerate put a massive pineapple plantation along K3's eastern boarder and wants the Thai government to "do something about the marauding elephants". CIFAE working with WWF have been considered as a source of a plan to resolve the conflict in favor of the elephants, but that allows ag operations to continue: we'll see. I will meet with Christy in ~4weeks to complete a draft of the plan for consideration to the concerned parties.

More later, but for now, I am sending positives through the Universe and want you to know that I look forward to seeing you again!


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Comment by Michael Levin on November 22, 2008 at 1:01pm

Ron, Glad you made it safely. CIFAE will become better known and understood by all of us through you and this trip. Please take pictures to upload to your page, record sounds and videos if you can. We're receiving those positive vibes here! Best, Michael


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