
Dangerously organic!

Parrot in a Tree in Brazzaville, Congo

Hello, Zoobirds!

I'm in Brazzaville and the air is thick with all sorts of diffternt smells. Mycol Stevens could probably identify the fungi growing on the tree I see right now. There is a big trash fire spewing smoke down the road. I hear birds singing, mostly parrots. I haven't eaten yet, for a while now, since it was a 3,000 mile flight from Casablanca! So, time for some food. I'll update this post as time progresses and I learn more.

That's the parrot in the photo above. Can you see it?

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Comment by Michael Levin on August 25, 2010 at 7:52pm
Sh'mal: Stay tuned! I spent the day meeting with the minister of technology the minister of information. Then, we did a live special at the national news station. Of course, I took lots of photos and even recorded the whole thing in audio (in French). The town frightened me so much I didn't go out all day until I was with my host, but it's sweet! Military all over, but not the usual intimidating ones. These are indigenous post-war local military who are...nice, if you can say that. The Alliance Francais hosted a mixer and the ministers were there, so we drank together and are big buds now. My talk is tomorrow, but hardly anyone speaks English, so a) I'm not nervous and b) I have an interpreter. Cake. My French is exponentially better. The area is covered with songbirds and fragrant plants. Even now, at 1:00am I hear roosters outside en masse. It's really a pivotal experience and I can't wait to go into more detail...but now I better sleep because I want to enjoy the breakfast and the incredible Congolese coffee before my talk tomorrow morning. Then, the real adventure begins because I'll be here a few days to see the jungle and the Congo River. Namaste, Mike
Comment by Sh'mal Ellenberg on August 25, 2010 at 6:10pm
Whew Mike, you are a traveler. Good for you having these opportunities. Have a great time in the congo. Man, I don't think I ever knew anyone who went to the congo. Sh'mal
Comment by Michael Levin on August 25, 2010 at 1:56am
The parrot is hard to see. It's in the top right of the photo. I'll try to get some video. Definitely will get more photos. Stay tuned for tales of my favorite organic food on the Congo: saka-saka (google it) made from the ubiquitous cassava plant.
Comment by Behr@ng on August 24, 2010 at 10:09pm
Thanks for sharing Mike! Also it would be great if you could post some pics and mini videos from the city as well as the conference.

Comment by Lois Hudson on August 24, 2010 at 6:12pm
Glad I can follow your Blog.
Comment by Lois Hudson on August 24, 2010 at 6:11pm
Hi Mike,
Can't see the parrot, Love, Mom


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