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Musical Pathways to Healing the Waters and Her Creatures :bp oil spill

Musical Pathways to Healing the Waters and Her Creatures :bp oil spill

Like so many of you, I have been pained and furious about the bp oil spill. I deliberately use the small letters to reflect the way that this catastrophic event is being minimized with real news deliberately hidden. One spills milk or a plate of berries not millions of gallons of oil! Could I rage across this page and vent my spleen hell yeah and there's a place for that lest anyone at this point be lulled into sweet denial that this horror could not touch them. This is serious, a gusher from a crack in the sea bed literally bleeding the Mother to death and that's not even covering what may be loose in the air that they will never admit

Be that as it may, the issue for us all is how to heal the Gulf and all its creatures and restore it to its once pristine nature. Fortunately many spiritual leaders from many nations are heeding the inner call to encourage mass prayers, visualizations, healing groups, sound and musical healings, chanting...all great stuff with the common thread to GATHER THE PEOPLE TO RALLY FOR THE PLANET AND ELEVATE THE VIBRATION TO HEAL HER EMPOWERING EACH PERSON TO DO THEIR PART TO RE WEAVE THIS HEALING WEB OF LIGHT AND HEAL THEMSELVES IN THE PROCESS

For me this has been crystal clear and I have been doing prayers and rituals daily leading groups locally, in cyber space, on the air waves, and solo. I know that right now there is nothing that is more important for me to do.

Historically, Spiritual people have always utilized this type of group energy and focus in dire emergencies such as the routing of the Spanish Armada by the inferior British fleet with Witch, Sir Francis Drake at the helm in concert with Witches assembled on the White Cliffs of Dover who raised a storm to give him the needed advantage on his home turf. Likewise, a similar group met in the New Forest of Great Britain to keep Hitler from attacking England before going to Russia and of course we know that he did , in spite of all counsel , go to Russia first which finished his reign of terror!

The Druids did not have thousands of slaves building Stonehenge, nor did the Egyptians or Mayans for their majestic pyramids. SOUND AND VIBRATION were the methods used in each case to move what even modern people would be challenged to replicate.

Like so many I adore the dolphins and the idea that these precious beings could be dying in large numbers in this bp oil spill literally hurts my heart so I want to make their well being a priority. I felt that there was a way in and I would find that..

As I began working with the energies of the dolphins, I was reminded that they communicated through vibration. Like all cetaceans, the part of their brain devoted to love and compassion is huge while the part that we would see as the left brain is rather small. As an animal communicator I am very used to listening to the voices of animals. When I tuned in more deeply they told me that they liked sound, many kinds of pleasant sounds and rhythms.

We have been chanting and drumming to the Ocean Mother, the Orisha Yemonja to the Yoruba and Yemaya to the Island peoples as well as Oshun the River Goddess, the Orisha of the sweet water. This felt wonderful but when I learned of an endangered pod of Mom and baby dolphins in Perdido Key, Alabama, I knew that I needed to do more.

Music, that was it, play music to the dolphins and do remote healing journeying with them to cleaner, safer waters. I stared at my keyboards wondering how I could simulate dolphin energy in my living room. My being was on creative fire as I raced through the many possible sounds on one of the keyboards and discovered a setting that was called Lost Paradise which sounded perfect, I could even hear the soft dolphin voices way in the background. More layers of sound would be better and I did not want our Paradise to be Lost, even that metaphor seemed wrong for what we were trying to accomplish.

On another sound module that is midi ed [joined together for simultaneous sounds] I found a setting that I love called Utopia. This sounded like the most wonderful compliment of tones and just the concept of Lost Paradise merging with Utopia for all the dolphins felt right. On a separate keyboard I added the occasional Tin Flute and the dolphins and I were ready to go !

I started playing rather tentatively as I felt myself gathering the dolphins together from many different places, one, and then another few splashing playfully to the music, and the more and more til i was swimming with them. I was not simply leading them as I had first expected but the music, tempo, intensity, notes and rhythm were being guided by this mutual conversation we were having and I became totally swept into their watery domain undulating, shape shifting drawing them to warm clear blue Caribbean water. I must say that the more I played, the better I felt, healing and being healed by these pods of smiling dolphins.

I can see this having a profound effect on my healing work in the future with people and animals.

Just like I KNOW when a reading, healing etc. is connecting with humans and animals, I knew that there was a deep and profound connection happening and that I would and should continue with this ecstatic dance of light and energy daily as well as encourage others to join me.

Astrologically, my natal chart has been being slammed and sparked by many high powered aspects for many months all promising some kind of a major shift spiritually and professionally, that I would be called out even more than I was already in terms of leadership, working with the public, and the Collective. I wondered and speculated but today, as Saturn let go of its strangle hold on my Sun and Moon ever so slightly, I felt the Release and liberation as so many aspects of my path came together as I played my heart and love for the beloved DOLPHINS. As a double Pisces, what better animal guide could there be to initiate me into a new dimension,

My Shamanic world and my music have totally integrated and I must tell you that the union of those parts has brought me to a state of ecstasy replacing the fear and terror that had riddled my soul just 2 days before. I had been holding back the fear of devastation not wanting to let it in too deeply, not wanting to let it paralyze me from being the Spiritual Warrior I am needing to be. After one too many emails about what was really happening, I totally broke down which needed to happen to clear out the fear and make room for this new reality.

As I write this I am re- listening to the fantastic concert for the opening of the World Cup in Soweto, South Africa, a place that appeared to be stuck in the shackles of extreme racism and Apartheid. Here they were thousands of free Africans dancing and drumming and sharing the stage with The Black Eyed Peas, Alicia Keyes, Shakira,and so many others from other countries lifting their spirits in celebration that no one could have predicted in South Africa 20 years ago. It took wise and brave people to push beyond fear and expectation to create this MIRACLE!
Music is one of the things that allows people to join together and quickly RAISE THE VIBE FOR THE TRIBE.

I have begun to share my musical healing journeys with the dolphins with a few others and we all are feeling very excited about the possibilities of doing this bigger and bigger. More musicians, more, wise women, shamans, healers and meditators who are attuned to this process are welcome to share this Holy Space here at Moonhaven in Melrose for now but who knows, we could go Global and Viral with the right hookups creating Sound Healing webs joining all around the world!

Clearly, it is Spirit's intention for us to join together in huge numbers to do the Spiritual Cleanup of the Planet, never mind BP and Halliburton, and Goldman and Sachs and other evil doers. Karma, as Allan Watts once said, is not a Who Done It, but a You Done It! As part of the planet that is still guzzling bp oil, it behooves us to clean up what we can clean up and be the change that we want to see in the world.
We do have the power to do this and each of us can find creative personal and collective solutions and places where each can be effective. We need to step up and step out on that limb and allow our minds to accept the possibility that together we can indeed co create a MIRACLE AND IT WILL TAKE NO LESS.
We are stepping out of the 3 dimensional world of limitations and smack into the 5th dimensional world where anything can happen,

* The Wise Woman's Tarot - http://flashsilvermoon.com *
* What The Animals Tell me -

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