
Dangerously organic!

We have been successful in getting our little garden area going... we have planted some native plants (succulents, mostly) and some plants which will attract pollinators. The next thing we are working on is a rain collection system... water is so scarce here in Southern AZ that we need to be very creative... In addition, we are working on our bat houses. This is particularly fun right now... and fits in well with the season. I am hoping to get some pictures of the projects up soon.

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Comment by Michael Levin on October 4, 2009 at 7:47am

We have friends here with rainwater expertise: Ron, German, Michael, and Mycol... Bats? Sh'mal carted guano to have a hand in making the soil the fertile bed it is today at McRorie Community Garden.

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There are many fine things which you mean to do someday, under what you think will be more favorable circumstances.
But, the only time that is surely yours is the present.

Hence, this is the time to speak the word of appreciation and sympathy, to do the generous deed, to forgive the fault of a thoughtless friend, to sacrifice self a little more for others.

Today is the day in which to express your noblest qualities of mind and heart, to do at least one worthy thing which you have long postponed, and to use your God-given abilities for the enrichment of some less fortunate fellow traveler.

Today you can make your life significant and worthwhile.

The present is yours to do with as you will.

(from an anonymous writer at the Haile Butterfly Garden)


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