
Dangerously organic!

The Teachings of the Sufi Masters

There must be an acceleration of a shift in consciousness so humans have a greater understanding of each of their roles on this planet. On the material plane there are so many areas of concern that each of us must be aware of. They all can be dealt with if the shift in consciousness takes place along with each of us doing our share in spreading the material plane work along with the cosmic work.
Acknowledging that our breath is a universal breath, connected with all breath in the universe. Breathing in life’s energy not only through our nostrils, but through the pores of our body and sending out renewed energy to the immediate environment as well as far reaching around the planet with each exhalation. We can begin with small practices and expand those practices so we become more and more aware of the gift we have for healing. We have been given a Divine gift to share so all humans can participate evenly with this bounty.

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