
Dangerously organic!

One of my thrills being back in Gainesville after three years is my return to the McRorie Community Garden on SW 4th Ave. I planted it early this fall with the help of a friend who maintained it while I was away. I’m so impressed about how productive it quickly became with very large broccoli heads, prolific and large collard leaves, salad greens galore and other veggies.

            Something came to mind about gardening that I hadn’t quite felt before: How gardening is a sacred ritual and keeps us close to all the ancestors way back in time who did the same thing gardeners are doing today. 

            We all get very caught up in the mechanical and technological world of our day and culture that we become completely lost to the ways of past generations.

            We are hurried and harassed to be there and where before we take a breath of air. Appreciating the relatively clean and fresh air that surrounds us in Alachua County is another aspect of the ancestors that is forgotten. Way back when, breathing and a slow pace, in a calm walk to the garden helped put us in harmony with the natural elements of nature.

            It’s a sad commentary that only a small number of people can “get into gardening.” After gardening for a few years, it looses the “get into gardening,” phase and it becomes in harmony with ones life. In fact it helps one be in harmony with the elements of the world around us.           

             The elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether are not mystical mombo jumbo, but actually comprise the bodies that we are and the composition of the food that we eat.

            To put in a garden: digging into the earth, watering it, observing the sun bringing its radiant energies to the plants, sensing the air around us and in the soil helping the organic fertilizers feed the plants, and sensing the etheric energies that help bring all this together truly put us in harmony with our natural world and helps us understand how these elements are affecting our own lives.

            I was a bit surprised when I returned to Gainesville six months ago that there weren’t more community gardens springing up in town. Or maybe I haven’t heard about them.

            I feel it’s sad commentary on our culture that more people aren’t able to let go of the conditioning they have about only getting their food from the markets and not trusting Mother Nature to provide for them.

            Gardening is a lot less time consuming than one thinks. Once the garden is in, it is in and if planted optimally and organically, maintaining it takes little effort. Of course with the farmer’s market, we can leave it up to those who are in touch with the earth a bit more, but to do a little bit on our own, can make a world of difference in ones entire perspective on life.             With the New Year it might be a good New Years resolution to learn how to grow your own. If anyone wants to know more about gardening get in touch with the U of F Agricultural Extension Agent or me, Bob Sh’mal Ellenberg shmal8@yahoo.com



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