If I didn't say it when it happened, thanks for becoming my friend and good for you with your racing. It must be lotz of fun! I used to do foot races but never bike racing or cars, although, I have a Mazda 6 sports car and sometimes race with guys on take off (but not seriously-and always safely). I also love doing fast corners. I'm not familiar with the type of racing you said you'd be doing. I'd like to hear more about it when you have time.
Hi, because you have no picture I didn't realize until today that you had accepted my invitation to be my friend. Now, how about joining my new group, Environmental Zoo? I'd like to learn more about you and your interests in Bicycles, Alternative engergy, etc.
Hi, Are you related to Michael Levin? I am assuming so. Do you do bicycle races or just ride for fun or what? I'd like to invite you to join the new group I just started-Environmental Zoo and share your ideas, concerns, solutions, etc.
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