
Dangerously organic!

Wood blewits come up in the fall in piles of dead leaf litter and such. They are a rich meaty mushroom and can be very abundant. There are poisonous impostor...

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Comment by Michael Levin on January 9, 2013 at 7:24am
It's not rocket science, but mycology is science. There's a body of knowledge and enough supporting material to make accurate ID's. I'll never forget trying a toxic sample out in the Pisgah forest. Mycol video'd me as he instructed me to put a tiny bit on my tongue. It was like anaphylactic shock. I swear, it felt like I got hit in the face with a baseball bat. The sample I put on my tongue was the size of a pinhead or a grain of salt. Look at my YouTube Swampcast channel. The Pisgah videos are all there.

On the other hand, we found a bunch of chanterelles. They were easy to identify. We cooked them in a cast iron skillet with garlic and onion over a roaring campfire by a stream. They were delicious.
Comment by Tim Kinney on January 9, 2013 at 12:59am
Thanks Michael for the great Blewit video. The pic I posted was not a Blewit, but by watching the video, I found out mine was a Cortinarius; one of the non-edible imposters he warns about. Mine had a dark brown spore print. Thanks for the help! BTW, I don't eat nuthin with gills except fish ;0)


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