
Dangerously organic!

I just read a review of Slum Dog Millionaire that said "The older you get, the more movies you’ve seen, the harder it is to get carried away by one. (Inevitably you begin to put every movie you see in the context of some other movie you’ve seen. You become impossible to surprise. You wise up to the ways movie work, and with wisdom comes, sadly, emotional distance. If, let’s say, everyone views 100,000 movies in a lifetime, when you’re twenty you’ve seen only 5,000 of them and still have 95,000 to go. Every movie is new to you. When you’re older, and you’ve seen 95,000, no way movies can mean to you what they once did. There are only so many stories, and so many ways to tell them.) But there are exceptions. Like Slumdog Millionaire." The old expression goes "There's nothing new under the sun". But, how much can you know? Every time I go to the garden, I see plants blooming, veggies growing, shapes and colors I've never seen before.

Yes, experiences build on themselves. It's called ... learning! There's a difference between telling a good story and surprising someone. The two can work together or all by themselves. A good love story can be just that. A good love story. It doesn't have to be so original that we see a whole new twist on relationship.

Ted Naron's comments about experiences building upon themselves caught my attention. And, I saw Slum Dog after reading his review. We do learn so much from our experiences. Isn't it nice to find someone enjoying simple beauty. That's something we can never learn enough about.

Views: 18

Replies to This Discussion

I don't have the time right now for a lengthy reply but I can relate to this discussion in many ways. Indeed simple things are best and for me learning never stops, especially in the spiritual area. 'To Be and to Love' is what its all about.
That was the greatest review one could ever imagine of for Slumdog. It's one of the best movies I have ever seen. Simply powerful.



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