
Dangerously organic!

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in Gainesvile, FL. The weather is finally cooling down.

That gives the flowers a chance to bloom.

My garlic chives, left from Sh'mal's planting, are thriving, as always. I gave some to our new neighbor Mary and her son Asher (below).

Asher did the picking. Mary pointed out some purslane (below)

Now, do you know that "Purslane contains more Omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid in particular[4]) than any other leafy vegetable plant. Simopoulos states that Purslane has .01 mg/g of Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). This is an extraordinary amount of EPA for land based vegetable sources. EPA is an Omega-3 fatty acid normally found mostly in fish, some algae and flax seeds. [5] It also contains vitamins (mainly vitamin A, vitamin C, and some vitamin B and carotenoids), as well as dietary minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron."

My watermelons are growing! Man, you turn away for a minute and look what pops up!

I have to thank Maura for suggesting I plant watermelon in my patch. Great idea!

The jalapeno plant is yielding some mighty peppers. They taste great as I try and duplicate my favorite recipe in the world: Buddha Belly's Hot Cauliflower and Chickpeas. You gotta love a restaurant that serves both vegetarian food and cheeseburgers!

With that, I'll quote Carol's sign which says "May all your weeds be wildflowers"

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Michael! It warms my heart to see these pics. Sh'mal set me up with my garden years ago (thank you my wonderful brother) and I still have some garlic chives from him too. It's nice to see his plot has been shared with A garden loving fella. Time to plant some new starts in my garden. Gladd it's cooling off. :-) Valerie
Valerie, look for me there later this afternoon. You'll know it's me when you see the old Bianchi I'll ride that comes all the way from Crested Butte, CO - this is it (below) last March:

And, this is it here in Florida:

Now, it has a basket to carry the fresh veg from the garden. What I winder is when will the daikon radishes come up?

I planted some heirloom seeds Sh'mal and I collected. I'll look for the sprouts today. Have you been reading the stuff Sh'mal has published here? Native Hippie Wheat is the most popular post on Zoobird! Cheers, Michael
Well, lalita, good to read you being connected. Planted garlic chives right here in Seattle and purslane. There was some left in the garden, but I bought seeds and have been eating them for months now daily in salads. Love sh'mal



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