
Dangerously organic!

My juicer creates more pulp than I think it should. Champion makes a juicer that is much more efficient. Combine it with something that looks like a hydraulic auto transmission lift and some cheesecloth and you have a very efficient, if time consuming, method of extracting juice. The idea is to take the pulp from the Champion juicer and put it in cheesecloth. Then, use the hydraulic press to extract every last bit of juice out of the pulp. Then, I don't know... Is the pulp good for anything? Everything I read says that whole foods are so much better. Especially Agatson's work with the South Beach Diet. I guess that juiced fruit and veg just tastes good and is easier to get in your stomach sometimes. Thoughts?

By the way, I nearly became addicted to Jamba Juice in Berkeley.

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Some people use the pulp in carrot cakes. Just an idea, sorry no recipe to go along with it!
Ah! Nice info. Thanks for that. Wait 'til you see my new (vintage) juicer...below. It's amazing. It's so smooth, the centrifuge spins about 5 minutes after it's turned off.

Well I guess you can compost what is left. But yes I have the same problem with my juicer. I think a strong blender is more my style!!
I *do* compost the pulp. In fact, I took a bunch today and the plants love it! Thanks!

Very informative thread.

Very informative thread.


Hi Michael,

We started using a Vitamix Blender last April. One of the best decisions we ever made!

We have stopped using my juice extractor. With the Vitamix we get all of the vegetable, the pulp + the juice.

When I used a juice extractor, I used the leftover pulp in preparing Dal and also to make some frozen veggie balls for my dog.

Peace :)

Chandra, What's the difference between a Vitamix blender and a traditional blender? Paz, Mike


In a Vitamix, you can put the whole vegetable in the blender and juice it.

For instance, we make a shake pretty much every morning, in which we put beets, whole lemon, whole apple, etc., and juice them with kale, spinach, ginger roots, celery (3 inch long pieces). When blended, in a Vitamix blender, you will not find the smoothie to be grainy and it will not have hard to swallow pulp. You can also make homemade ice cream with the Vitamix.


Many of the traditional mixers/blenders have a real hard time juicing whole veggies, as far as I know.


Peace :)




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