
Dangerously organic!

My favorite tea these days is peppermint. I mix it with green tea in the morning. Recently, I bought some peppermint ginger tea from Jamaican Imports, on University here in Gainesville. The ginger gives it a distinctive taste. Sometimes, when I want some energy, I drink gunpowder tea, which is a tea that's in little balls. What are your favorite teas?

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I like chai in the morning (with milk and sugar) or black tea with mango flavor. Jasmine tea anytime. Green tea.
Lately I've been drinking herbal infusions - oatstraw, nettle, peppermint. Very refreshing and good for me too. Nettle is loaded with calcium and other minerals.
I've never been to the Jamaican Imports store, don't even know where it is.

The nettle and oatstraw teas sound good.

Jamaica Imports is at 352-372-6061. 1029 W University Ave, Gainesville, FL. Here's what their storefront looks like:

They have lots of teas with interesting spices.
I see from one producer that Aracha is "is handled very sparingly. It is subjected to a very brief drying and is barely rolled. It is composed of large fine leaves and fine stems. The infusion is green yellow and develops an incredible aroma of newly steamed tea. Taste is mild and soft." Another source said "Tea leaves are picked 4 times a year from plantations and classified according to season and other factors. The leaves begin oxidizing as soon as they are picked. Japanese green teas are heat processed (steamed or roasted) while leaves are fresh to prevent oxidation. Leaves are rolled and pressed for shaping, and moisture is extracted so they can be stored. At this point it is called Aracha or crude tea..."

What are the benefits of unsorted tea? What does covering mean with respect to tea? How does covering the tea affect taste and quality? Wh do you prefer tea from Souraku?



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