
Dangerously organic!

Has anybody tried lasagna gardening? No, it's not growing big flat noodles. It's all about layers. I have a grandfather-in-law who's been gardening since, oh around 1945, and he thinks it's the greatest thing ever. So I'm about to start one.

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Sounds great! I did a Google search and came up with about 320,000 hits. In a nutshell, you take newspapers and make a layer over all the weeds. Get the paper damp and add organic material. Then put another layer on top and cover it with something like peat. Alternate layers each and there you go. I like the part about not worrying about the weeds ;-)
I've read that some people object to using peat because it's non-renewable, except on a geologic time scale, and hay works well as a substitute. Apparently you can use spoiled hay, which is cheaper. (I never thought about hay going bad before.) I have 2 acres of lawn clippings per week that I guess will work.

I'm going to try to track down a pile of old newspaper so I can start it this weekend.



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