
Dangerously organic!

I would like input from everyone on Zoobird as to what your specific interests are concerning the environment. I started environmental Zoo yesterday and all of you and anyone else who see's this are invited to join this group.

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I'd like to see discussion on alternative energy, sustainable lifestyles, what you are currently doing or planning to do or anything else on these topics. I haven't heard any ideas yet on recycling, plastic & paper replacements, saving plant and/or animal species, etc. I'm sure there are many other things that could be discussed which I'm not thinking of or aware of as yet. It only takes one or two good ideas or suggestions to start making a real difference for our precious planet, ourselves, children, and posterity. I'd love to hear from you.
I meant to have this picture in my previous discussion and am not sure they or it is going to show up on here. These are pictures of the trash liners I have created which will soon be for same in the Zoobird Store and elsewhere. This is my small contribution to helping with the problem of too much plastic in our landfills. I have used these for one year with no signs of wear. They are washable and reusable and very durable.
I am fairly new to the Zooish way of life. I have been recycling for years just like the next person. I have been doing my duties to separate my trash from my recyclable items but I am looking for more ways to make a bigger impact. I just finished reading a book on composting and have a small heap started in my apartment. I would love to hear information and discussions on alternative energy and organic living. I also did not see the picture you posted of your of the trash liners. I am currently using paper to avoid the plastic.
Thanks for sharing. I have tried to encourage the people on Zoobird who are interested in Alternative Energy to share their ideas. No success yet but will keep asking. I eat as much organic food as I can obtain-at least the ones that are the most important. I am sorry about the picture. The last time I tried I had no success. I will try again as soon as possible. I have been so busy networking on this site and keeping up on Facebook (now maybe MySpace) I can't keep up with everything like I'd like to. I probably need to simplify my life again. I do try to live simply and only do what's important and the things I love to do. I think that's part of organic living don't you? When I lived in the country I used to do some composting, etc. We always had large gardens, using manure and natural bug repellents, etc. I'm glad your doing something to help the planet. If we each do a little a lot can be accomplished.
Thanks for the invite Ellen. I am interested in sustainable living as a means of becoming more independent and preserving a healthy environment for our kids. At the moment, I am working on a sheet composted(lasagna) garden in the backyard, and I've been promised the opportunity to attend a rain-barrel workshop for my birthday. Also, I am learning how to can fruits, vegetables, and whole meals. I'm kinda stumped on the plasic thing. It is next to impossible to avoid purchasing something with plastic with in my neck of the woods every shopping trip, but I know that a large portion of it is getting dumped into our oceans and not recycled. I would love some suggestions on how to slowly drop out of that wasteful cycle as much as possible.
Hi Nerdmom, I'm very happy to have your comments on sustainable living. I've been asking others to share what they are doing which should help us all. Good for you in learning to can. When I lived in the country I did a lot of canning a freezing and also drying of vege's and fruits. I think one gets better nutrition from freezing or drying but then there's the plastic problem, although one could use paper and cardboard containers saved from purchases such as oatmeal boxes, etc. When I shop I buy a lot of fresh produce and big items like greens, etc. I just shake off and put as in in my shopping cart rather than using a plastic bag. When I must use one, I recycle it, of course. After my reusable trash liner bags take off, I might continue developing and putting on the market, produce bags. The fabric I use is very durable, have used for a year now with no signs of wear after many washings. When I must buy food in plastic containers I always recyle them whenever possible. Yes, my big burden is too much plastic in our landfills and waterways and it is certianly disturbing the balance of nature. Keep up the good work. I'll share ideas as they come to me and I'm hoping many others will as well. Thanks for coming on here! Hopefully we can meet sometime!



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