At 12:55pm on November 17, 2012, Michael Levin said…
Scotty, I read this article about Belize and thought of you and your love of the Yucatan peninsula. Hope all is well. Please ring me when you have time.
Hi Scott, Thanks for adding me as a friend today. I hope your day was great. Now I'd love to have you join Environmental Zoo and get your input. See you there? Sorry about China but hope Mexico works out for you or where ever the right place is for you to be. Blessings!
Sorry it took so long to respond. I have a new email address and forgot to update zoobird. Right now China is on hold because of the economy. I am thinking about a job in Mexico right now. I will know more about that one later this week. Contracts are being negotiated.
Hi Scott, I don't see a profile on you as to your interests or a picture. I see from your last comment you might be working in China this year? Is this going to happen? I'd love to hear what life in China is like if you go and have time to share. I'd like to add you as a friend on here and invite you to join my group, Environmental Zoo. See you there?
Hi back to Dana of course. The new house is great. The job is great. Life is good, so why am I thinking about a job in China next year? I just cant sit still maybe. If I get the money I asked for, I will retire on it. It just means 3 or 4 years in China. Maybe i'll meet a good chick there.
Yes, indeed! This is a website I created using a framework called Ning. It's working out pretty well. Dana says hi, by the way and sends her regards. She's a member here, too. How's the new house?
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Scotty, I read this article about Belize and thought of you and your love of the Yucatan peninsula. Hope all is well. Please ring me when you have time.

Of course, I thought of my old friend Scotty when I saw this website!