There are so many opinions about healthy nutrition. I found this article and the…
Tim, I just found Fallon's site. Looks promising. I like the first few words referring to fats being essention to nutrition. I'll read more.…
This is a page that explains how to easily and quickly communicate and heal with communication.
KimChi means submerged?For further understanding check out this page.
I have never felt so immediately good after eating a meal. My day consisted of breakfast and lunch of kimchi topped with Eric's home made cheese, carrots dipped in beetsa sauce, and kombucha. This is amazing.
Eric wrote about a House of Sprouts. But, what is it ... really? Why are sprouts so rich in nutrition? How does one incorporate sprouts into a busy lifestyle? Take it, Eric!
What's this about a Food Club? Eric will tell us his vision here. And, we can ask questions, give feedback and see how it goes.