Well, Lois, your son is quite a organizer, jumped right in on getting the Zoobird site going and has had a lot of takers quickly. I hope he does well in the garden, the space he and another took over provided me with most of my vegetables the past few years. Now in Seattle where they have many community gardens, but waiting lists of up to two years for plots, so will rely on my own organizing skills to try and find a new space for a community garden. Hope all is well in Houston. Sh'mal
Hi Lois, I see we're in the same city. I'm in NW houston. Where are you? I enjoyed your sonnet very much. My sister is a poet and artist. I am a piano teacher and love listening to guitar music as well. I would love to hear more of your interest in mind-body-spirit. I also would like to invite you to join my new group, Environmental Zoo where you can express your concerns, solutions, ideas or anything else you'd like to. I also have a discussion going on environmental issues. See you there?
Hi Lois, Yes she did and I thought I had written back to you to let you know that. I do enjoy teaching the boys very much and I'm enjoying myself on here, Facebook and MySpace. I hope life is treating you well these days.
Lois Hudson
Aug 3, 2008
Michael Levin
Aug 3, 2008
Sh'mal Ellenberg
Aug 24, 2008
Michael Levin
Sep 12, 2008
Ellen Bush
Dec 17, 2008
Ellen Bush
Jan 20, 2009