

Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Green building, efficient building, sustainability, environmental engineering, etc.

Comment Wall:

  • Michael Levin

    Welcome to Zoobird! Click on photos - they might magically take you to albums! There are lots of surprises in store for you here.

    Isn't it nice to join an online community like this where things are familiar? I hope you feel the warmth that is flowing around here. There's a distinct energy, and it's nice. Did you see the moon tonight? I just got back from the garden after weeding my patch. The air was so rich and sweet. I loved it! Welcome, welcome, welcome!
  • Carla Van Arnam

    Thanks for inviting me to be your friend! Love the info on canning.
    Looks like you are enjoying zoobird.
  • Ellen Bush

    I think it's neat your into canning, etc. I used to do it when I lived in the country. The food is very good. I'd like you to add me as a friend on this site and to join my group, Environmental Zoo. See you there?