Yes, Asheville is very very diverse---lots of earth friendly people here! It is a beautiful place to live. I am excited about joining. My husband and I rescue feral cats, raise organic chickens for fresh eggs, do organic gardening and hope to get honey bees in the spring! I hope to learn lots from the more experienced members here.
Hi Sandra, I see your from Asheville, NC. I lived there for two years and enjoyed the beauty of the place and my friends who lived there. I would like to get to know you. You sound interesting. I also would like to invite you to become my friend on this site and to join my new group, Environmental Zoo where you may share your concerns, solutions, ideas, or anything else you'd like to share. See you there?
Sandra Biddix
Aug 7, 2008
Ellen Bush
Jan 5, 2009
Ellen Bush
Jan 5, 2009