Michael Levin


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles, Poetry, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Photography, creative writing, travel. I ride bikes a lot. I like ethnic cooking. I try to use recipes from interesting spots I've visited to cook tasty dishes made with fresh ingredients.
Do you have a website?
Would you like to share your Reading List with us? Just name a few or as many as you like here. Websites are great, too!
I'm reading "Botany in a Day", by Elpel and following along in Marc Williams website as he annotates the book with his excellent notes. http://www.hopspress.com/Books/Botany_in_a_Day.htm
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
I live in Florida. I love nature and walks in the woods.

A little about me: http://tinyurl.com/22u237

Comment Wall:

  • Ron Chandler

    Hi Mike:
    The site looks great! Thanks so much for setting it up. I have two questions: 1) I have attempted to change the image associated with my page, but in continues to revert to the potatoe plants in the tires image, and 2) I must be missing the tab or button with which to access a notes page to talk about water. I'll continue to look around. I will refer my sustainability discussion and UF Dept. of Sustatinability friends and colleagues to the site.
    Best to you,
  • Behr@ng

    Wow! What a beautiful, modern, and glossy theme! Very beautiful.
  • Michael Levin

    Glad you like it! I plan to experiment with other social networking software like OpenSocial and SocialSite. Consider joining Zoobird and come along for the ride...
  • Behr@ng

    LOL :-))
  • Michael Levin

    What I want to see is an organic garden down under!
    Check this awesome farm out: Medicine Hill
  • Michael Levin

    I listened to some incredible music from Abysinnia Infinite and fell in love with it.

  • mualpha

    Thank you for the warm welcome. Carla called me this afternoon and told me about your online community. I jumped right in! The moon is beautiful....
  • loretta

    just give me time to figure out what I have gotten myself into....
  • Alix

    Thank you Mike. Sorry it took so long. I'm glad you enjoyed your books.

    : )

  • Tai

    Thanks for the invite Mike!
  • Scott Tucker

    Hey Mike I finally got around to this. Is this your project?
  • Carol McDonald

    looks nice !
  • Zach Lutz

    Zoobird is cool. I know I'm going to have to write something, but what?? :) Watch out, Zoobird!
  • Dave

    Yeah, it's a Homer Simpson donut with Sprinkles-- only from 7-11. Not sure if you can still find them although I know you can find the brownies. Some people were buying the Duff Beer too.
  • Robbie

    Thanks! I hope you guys make it to D.C. so we can hang out and have a vegan dinner. Impressive find on those flight prices!
  • Robbie

    Hey Mike! I just read your e-mail. I'm going to start a discussion on a certain food... not exactly sure yet, and its healthy benefits! I'm thinking I'll do it on grapes, brown rice, raspberries, or green tea. Foods that most people know are healthy, but not entirely why = ). I'll also recommend a book on there too! It'll be up by Monday or Tuesday.

    Hope all is going well
  • Alexis Dold

    Hey Mike,
    I called Art and Gus and told them to check out the Bird. They should be in touch.
  • David Beasley

    See you at the class tomorrow! I hope you continue to feel better. Will work on those pics of the garden.
  • John Mears

    Haven't you gone to bed yet? I just finished putting together travel info for a niece who is planning on visiting my local family members next month. Look forward to wandering around and checking iout the site...
  • Abundant Edible landscapes

    Thank you for the post. It looks great.

    German Rosillo M.E.S
  • John

    Nice talking to you today and thanks for the information on your site.
  • Michael Levin

  • Jose PM

    Thank you for your comments, Haiti is in truly need of everything. Most of the times we forgot how fortunate we are. Something about music....it is universal language; from Mozart to Steppenwolf vibrates your senses. Enjoy it!
  • Ian Levin

    Hi Dad, cool website
  • Caren Brown

    Hi Mike, It was great to meet you this weekend and to spend a very ejoyable afternoon at the Herb Farm. Your website is very interesting and empowering! Maybe I'll try my hand at raised bed farming at Haile if there is space available. Caren
  • Caren Brown

    Hi Mike, Fear not... it's not what you do at a single meal that affects your health, it's what you do every day that determins what is going on in your body. Two or three eggs a week all on one day is ok as far as I'm concerned. You will find other opinions if you look at reliable references. Caren
  • Kentucky

    yo yo yo! thanks for the heads up w events and such. gainesvilles been really great to us so far. we're really enjoying being here (especially the nice fall weather!!) we planted some carrots and beet seedlings when the moon was in virgo a few days ago and the beet sprouts have already come up! (just in the past day, i think all the rain we've been getting really helped them shoot up quick!)
    im appreciative that zoobird is here. thanks a bunch and be well!


    i almost forgot! the link you sent me to the fest was broken... :)
  • agnes

    Thanks, I like those pics of the sunset, it almost looks like the sky caught on fire. Yes, unfortunately Houston is still a little far from Lubbock (we are sort of isolated up there in North Texas) but who knows, I am sure there will be other opportunities. I am still trying to move to Portland so we may meet again out there sometime. Btw, I really like the pictures you posted of the Hostel, good job!