Ellen Bush


Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles, Poetry, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Enviromental, developing alternatives to plastic, recycling, and other related interests. Music, sewing, networking, etc.,healthy lifestyles (have my ND). My MAIN INTEREST is Mind-Body-Spirit and helping others.
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
I love life and am very blessed to be doing everything I love to do. I teach Piano, sew, sing, entertain people in my home, invent and create things & ideas. Have designed and used for one year trash can liners to replace plastic ones. I love them and so do those whom I've shown them to.

I look forward to meeting many wonderful people on this site.

Comment Wall:

  • Jose PM

    Thank you Ellen for your comment.
    I become some kind of musicologist since early age; being so furtunate to met many artists as Andres Segivia, Irma Constanzo, Abel Fleuri, Pablo Cassals and many more. My passion is manufactiring stringued instruments. You are welcome to see my site at: www.perez-menchaca.com.
    Welcome to Zoobird and, hope that you enjoy my posted music.
  • tittiger

    I have located some land in both Kansas and MO that I will be looking into in the Spring. So if anyone is interested in joining my as of yet unformed community contact me.
  • tittiger


    Name is the last thing on my list. I am joining a CSA in MO with the understanding from them that I may be starting my own place.

    If you want to know more email me: joe@tittiger.com

  • Robert Hall

    I have not been out west to hike yet. I do most of my hiking in Florida and the Appalachian Mnts. I would love to see the Rockies though. I will be in Ocala for 12 weeks this summer for Fire School and I plan on doing some sections of the Florida trail that run through the National Forest. Have you done any of them? Can you reccomend some of the trails if you have.
  • Robert Hall

    Yes I have. Mostly crazy racoon encounters. They really are small bears and they act like it too. When I was in High School in North Carolina my friends and I would take nothing but rice, crisco, and cornmeal and disappear for a week at a time. I would just drink strait from the mountain streams and never worried about parasites. The were so many trout in some of the streams fishing was almost no fun. I look foward to taking my daughter on a trip like that when she is older. How about you?
  • Lars Andersen

    Thanks for the note Ellen. Sounds like we are kindred spirits in our love of nature. I look forward to getting to know you and the rest of the Zoobird clan though everyone's posts. All the best, Lars
  • Rick Naberschnig

    Hi Ellen, I'm a promotional products distributor and am interested in hearing more about your new green product.
  • Rick Naberschnig

    Hi Ellen,

    I sell promotional products imprinted with my customer's logos on them. Your product sounds like a great idea, and I'm sure it will sell well. Will you have the ability to imprint a logo on them and if so, could the logo be visible on the outside of the trash can?

  • Rick Naberschnig

    Could they be screen printed as you would do on a t-shirt? I have a screen printer in town that may be able to shed some light on it if I could get him a sample of the material. If a logo can be printed on them, and if you are able to get mass production facilities in place, then I would recommend joining the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) as a supplier. That way your product would be in front of thousands of distributors such as myself and the customers of those distributors as well. ASI provides a link between suppliers and distributors such as myself. As an ASI supplier, your product will be on the distributors product/supplier search database (which is where I go to search for products when my customers ask for them), plus your product will be listed on distributors websites on-line catalogs, and you can even get your product listed in their "Green Catalog" which thousands of distributors buy to send to their customers. As a distributor member, I'm not really familiar with the details of what's involved in supplier memberships, but I can tell you that if you want to get your product in front of thousands of promotional products distributors, that's the way to go. Their website is www.asicentral.com. Let me know how else I can help.
  • Rick Naberschnig

    Well, I could meet you and pick up a sample of the material to give to my screen printer. All I would need is something the size of a t-shirt. I would be very discreet and wouldn't disclose the product name or anything like that. I would just give him the sample and ask if it could be printed on or not. As far as the membership to ASI goes, like I said, I'm on the distributor end not the supplier end so I don't really know what your cost would be there, but I can tell you that as a distributor my cost is about $275 per month for the product search engine and the website catalog. Check out their website and give them a call or send them an email. Green Products are very hot these days and I'm sure they would be very receptive to talking with you.
  • Linda Crawford

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I will check out the discussion on environmental concerns.
  • Ian Levin

    Hi, I am related to Mike he's my pop, and yes I am into racing bikes I just got a new one this weekend its actually a dirt bike a KX 250 I am planning on getting used to the bike then starting slow and working my way into motocross
  • David Beasley

    Thanks Ellen, I'll check out the group. I read your profile and you sound very happy with life. Very inspiring. My work with at-risk youth is about creating hope and inspiring them as well.
  • Carla Van Arnam

    Hi Ellen, thanks for the comments, they should be visible now.
    I'm not a gardener. The greens I freeze I get from the farmers at the Haile Village Farmer's Market on Saturdays. I belong to a CSA, Plowshares. It's nice having organic collards in July!
  • Sh'mal Ellenberg

    HI Ellen: Thanks for signing me up for another on-line conversation place. Do I know what to do with them all? I have so much to share and try to do my piece with all the social, environmental, political, economic issues imploding upon us. I gave a talk to a group of elders living in a retirement building where I am an attendant to a 95 year old man who may be a role model for being an activist, although he doesn't share much during my time with him. He did show up for the presentation I gave on Spiritual Eldering/Age-ing to Sage-ing and said he was going to Alaska next month to celebrate the 50 anniversary of Alaska's statehood. He was one of 50 people selected to be on the initial commission that worked on statehood for Alaska. During my presentation I talked about the Gray Panthers, the elder activist group from the 70s, which is still in existence and told the group, that if they are looking for issues to involved their lives, than maybe I'll check out the Gray Panthers web site. Odd, now I may be organizing elders. They are all somewhat concerned about what's happening to the planet and what we are leaving to our grandchildren. Many, maybe most of us, slept through it all not thinking it was our concern, after all, while the government and the corps were destroying the planet and building more and more nuclear weapons, we are only innocent consumers of many worthless material goods. My real intention is to bring spirituality into their lives. So, they asked for a meditation before we parted and we'll be meeting again next month. Well, I ended up sharing a bit. Have a bright Chanukah and Xmas and a joyous New Year.
  • Ron Chandler

    Hello Ellen:
    Thank you for writing and for your support of the elephant. I will look forward to talking with you more about CIFAE and the elephants in SE Asia. Yes, I would like to join the group that you mentioned in your email and will look them up soon.
    Wishing you the best,
  • Ron Chandler

    Hi Ellen:
    As you know, I joined Environmental Zoo; thank you for sending the invitation. I will look forward to discussing facets of sustainability with you and others in the group.
    My work, in addition to CIFAE, is in sustainability and especially regarding water resources, water democracy and environmental equity; all juicy, passionate topics for Zoobirders and kin.
    Best wishes,
  • Matt Neale

    Hi there Ellen. Thanks for the invite. Nice to meet you (as it is towards all the like minded people out there on here!)
    It's great that there are so many of us actively trying to make positive changes with environmental considerations in our daily lives...
    I'll join sure, but I don't tend to be particularly active in the virtual world, unless it's some subject close to my heart or that I feel strongly about.
    Orignally I had chatted to Mike who invited me to join this friendly forum.
    Perhaps I'll keep more of an eye on this in the near future
  • Ken Benway

    Permaculture, besides being somewhat of an enigma, is a whole system design approach to creating sustainable and regenerative human habitat that includes a place for all life forms to live in sustianable populations. You will find many definitions of the word permaculture as unique as the individuals that attempt to define it. Google the word and play with the adventure of discovery. I think you'll like what you find and may even be pleasantly surprised. I will check out your group soon.-Ken
  • Robbie

    Hey! and thanks for the comment. I've been playing guitar for about seven years and I play finger picking classical-esque and death metal. I like to incorporate both = ). I would love to buy a drum set sometime because I am ALWAYS tapping or thinking about different rhythms. I really enjoy singing but the tone of my voice isn't so pleasant haha. When I'm driving I'll turn the music up really loud so I can at least sing in tune with the vocals. What kind of music are you into? I'll def. give your site a visit.
  • agnes

    Hi Ellen,
    Nice to meet you.
    yes, Lubbock may be flat, windy and dusty but it is still a nice place to live and people are really great and friendly out here.
    Have you come back to Lubbock recently?
    I am sure you would find many changes, the city is expanding a lot, mostly due to Texas Tech.
    Hope to talk to you more on Zoobird.
  • Michael Levin

    Hi Ellen,

    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's a way to subscribe to the page using your mail reader. Click it and see!


  • Michael Levin

    Hi Elen,

    To request to add someone as a friend on Facebook, you need to have found them on Facebook already or have their email address. If you search for someone on Facebook using their name you may find them. Otherwise, you could send them a Zoobird message and ask them for an email address.


  • Patricia Bradley

    Thanks Ellen for the well wishes and good luck to you as well in 'doing what you love'!

  • Nerdmom

    Thanks for the invite, I'll be sure to check it out.
  • Behr@ng

    Hi Ellen!

    I was just cleaning up my inbox and noticed that I've received a new comment from you on Zoobird! Don't understand why I hadn't caught it earlier!

    It's been about two years since I first came to Australia from Iran. I've lived in Melbourne and Sydney and both cities are fantastic. I am going to be here for at least one more year and I might even settle down here for the rest of my life as well, so anytime you come here you are absolutely welcome and I will be happy to be your guide and show you the in and out of the city.

  • Behr@ng

    Hi Ellen,

    Thanks for your kind words. It is great to hear that you have other Iranian friends too! If you don't mind I am going to add you to my friends list on Facebook. I also joined the Environmental Zoo. When I am free, like when I am having a nap in my bed ;-), one of the things I always think about is the environment. I guess Environmental Zoo is a great place to share our ideas on this hot topic.

  • Lois Hudson

    Hi Ellen, I am so glad you liked my poem.
    I wondeer if my daughter, Dana, told you I am the grandmother of Nic and Zac, two of your piano students. You do such a great job as their teacher.I Lois Hudson
  • Lois Hudson

    Hi Ellen,
    I often enjoy listening to the boys play a piece on the iano for me. Thanx for being such a good teacher. Here's a poem I recently wrote:
    I never saw a sky so deep
    I And tall as when I stood alone,
    And had to leave my life behind
    Somewhere in time and far from home.

    I never saw a day this grey
    As when a tiny bird flew by,
    A speck of feathers in the sky,l
    And left me crying far away.

    I never saw a tree so bare
    When azure leaves forgot to laugh
    And drifted through the autumn air,l
    And floated sadly on my path.

    Aub when I heard you call my name,
    I chased the moon across the sky,
    I grew these wings, I learned to fly,
    And nothing ever stayed the same. Lois
  • Michael Levin


    I noticed you mentioned your sister is a published poet. Can I read her work somewhere? We have a group called Soft Exposure that meets here in Florida. And, Naomi is involved with it. ...M
  • Michael Levin

    I'd love to read your sister's poetry on Facebook. My email address is mick at zoobird dot com.
  • Michael Levin

    Thanks! Can't wait to read the poetry.
  • Cory

    Hi Ellen, it's a painting. I love the colors. I did join your group :-)