Michael Levin


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles, Poetry, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Photography, creative writing, travel. I ride bikes a lot. I like ethnic cooking. I try to use recipes from interesting spots I've visited to cook tasty dishes made with fresh ingredients.
Do you have a website?
Would you like to share your Reading List with us? Just name a few or as many as you like here. Websites are great, too!
I'm reading "Botany in a Day", by Elpel and following along in Marc Williams website as he annotates the book with his excellent notes. http://www.hopspress.com/Books/Botany_in_a_Day.htm
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
I live in Florida. I love nature and walks in the woods.

A little about me: http://tinyurl.com/22u237

Comment Wall:

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  • Dave

    The Hawthorne Pictures collection was cool, thanks for setting up. Portland is super dope and really gets no attention from folks in the Midwest. All I hear about is Florida, Florida, Florida! Variety is the spice of life. I was wondering what is the word on our biking friend-- where he went to next? Or where he is now? Shoot me an email if you heard anything.

    And yes, Go Obama! Hearing 4 million people might come out for the D.C. activities now. I'm roughly set up to go but I'll have to see come Jan.

  • JB Doyal

    Hey Mike! It's been awhile so i figured i should stop and say HELLO & HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and the zoobirds!!

    ...getting that travelling itch again... and no, not THAT sort of itch! haha! I'm thinking about a few travel options after the first of the year - would love to hang out again in portland, but am thinking about a bit longer and more adventurous trek... will let you know as soon as i have a clue.


    jimmy doyal
  • Linda Crawford

    Hi Mike. Thanks for the welcome. I don't have much experience with being part of an online group but look forward to the communication.
  • Patricia Bradley

    Hi Mike. Thanks for the welcome!
  • pete korhonen

    Hi Michael - I don't know if this was the forum you wanted the answers, but:

    Ok - a few words - on Alexander techniques - First I was searching for a drum instructor, but after some bends and turns I ended up taking lessons of Alexander Techniques from a Finnish drummer who had been studying it in UK for a few years couple of years ago and is a licensed instructor. I have been taking lessons for about two years now. The main ideology behind the technique is to learn away from the behaviour that does harm to your body.

    This is mainly done by learning a correct body posture in various everyday life situations and a "mental training" (no icedrops or anything like that =D) of preventing oneself to fall back into those old habits.

    I have gotten rid of most of my back problems I used to have, I have found myself studying how I do my everyday tasks -- sitting in the office, slicing the bread, reaching for a cellphone, how I brush my teeth. Also I find it very useful when I have learned to "stop" the reaction, when i.e. hear or see something that used to cause some sort of mental or physical reaction. It is about being ecological in the way I do things. It is about not-doing and still being active.

    Ok, about CreZENt - I have had such a busy schedule of visiting relatives, working, etc - that the project is still waiting for the proper sand down on my balcony. I wonder should I order a proper track-crankset for it. Perhaps before spring we see more of that.

    And about my musical projects.Of course it started - when we still were teenagers - as having fun to play punkrock. We didn't know how to play or anything. Then years went by and I started to feel more serious about the whole thing.

    Bands went by, years went by, new bands and styles came along. Finally I was introduced to this Norwegian gentleman and his music. When he first asked me to join his group, I said no. I didn't feel like it was my moment. But, again, a couple of years later I joined the group Nazca, and things started to click.

    About the political aspect - of course it is important - but not necessary. People should open their eyes for new approaches of life, new ideas, new way of life. Not that I want to preach - it has to be more gentle way of turning the heads, or disturbing peoples sleep. But - it should be fun to play the music. If it is not, I tend to get bored. It is a form of art, in my eyes. Sometimes it is for fun and pleasure, sometimes it should make you think so hard you don't want to believe.

    Cheers, pete
  • Ellen Bush

    Michael, Thanks for making Wiglett, my neice your friend. I'd also like to invite you to join the discussion on the environment. One of the newest members just contributed this morning with a terrific idea.
  • Dotty

    Thanks Michael. I'm looking forward to it. Loved your pictures.
  • Robert Hall

    My xc bike is a hardtail singlespeed. 32/15 gear ratio with 26 in wheels. Fast, fun, and simple
  • Patricia Bradley

    Michael cycling is great! Took a little spin to the market yesterday morning (road right past your place). Bought a few greens etc., put them in a nap sack (still haven't purchased bike bags - where did you get yours by the way) and took a leisurely spin back. I love that bike, but I feel a big like the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz - the scene where she is peddling faster and faster as she is picked up by the tornado. I suppose it's because you really sit upright on the Townie :-)
  • Lynne Loewenthal

    Hi Michael! Nice to meet you. I really like your website!
  • Ken Benway

    Thanks Mike, it's great to be a part of your group. I had no idea that there was such a grass roots effort happening in Gainesville. This is awesome! I started a Permaculture Meetup group in Alachua County a few months back and would love it if interested individuals would check it out. Are you familiar with the Transition Movement, sometimes known as Transition Towns?
    Here's the link to the local meetup: http://www.meetup.com/The-Permaculture-Guild-Alachua-County-Florida/
    Here's the link to the Transition Florida website:
    Here's the link to the Transition US website:
    I hope you find this information helpful and thanks for putting the zoobird.ning.com site together.
  • Akash

    Thanks Michael, great to see a "green" community in action. Are there other local (San Francisco Bay Area) members here?
  • Ellen Bush

    Hey Mike, What does the RSS on each profile page stand for?
  • Ellen Bush

    Hi again, Another question-when I clicked on add to facebook on your page it took me to my page but would I need your email address to add you as a friend-the invite didn't work with just your name? I've always used email addresses before. What is the secret to adding a friend who is already on facebook? There are several of my friends on Zoobird I'd like to add to facebook. Many times I find more people I know from their list of friends, etc. Thanks friend.
  • Nerdmom

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Ellen Bush

    I will Have to check with Laura to see if there is a place to read her poems besides in her books and get back with you. Ellen
  • Gerry

    I heard about zoobird from Ken Benway -- we are working together on a Permaculture Design Course at the Earthship being built at Myakka City, Florida. Gerry
  • Ellen Bush

    My sister, Laura McVay, just posted a couple of her poems on Facebook. I'll be happy to add you as my friend on facebook(would need your email) or if your already on there you could add me and then find her on my list, go to her Boxes and click on Poems to read them. When she gets time she's planning to post her poetry to a poem site. Hopefully that will be soon.
  • Ellen Bush

    Hi Mike, I sent a friend request on facebook just now and also suggested three friends to add. Laurie Berger is on here as Wiglett (my neice-Laura McVays daughter), Laura McVay the poet and another zoobird member who is my facebook friend. Laura said she'd be happy to have you as a friend. Let me know how you like the two poems.
  • Lois Hudson

    Hi Michael,
    The more the years, the more meanings and feelings come to me when I read books, or see movies I read or saw when I was younger. Experiences pile and we grow and keep learning. Lois
  • Lois Hudson

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for help. Mom
  • Lois Hudson

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for my new pic., and thanks for helping me. Love, Mom
  • Ron Chandler

    Hello Mike: As always it is good to hear from you. The housewarming party was a blast. So much so, I think I will have another one -giving some other excuse ;-). It appears that, once today's rains have past we will have some beautiful, albeit chilly weather this week. I will definitely be at the gardens, as I want to seed squash, onions, spinach, radish... Have a wonderful week, see you at the garden.
  • Blaine Transue

    That truck was a major upgrade from the tent. Full of holes patched with bandaids. Times were tough,times are tough, may have to get that ol truck out of cold storage and dig up that tent again. As a footnote, it took 17 cans of Charcoal Black BBQ grill paint to give it that illustrious finish.
  • Michael Levin

    Blaine is talking about this truck in the comment below. Click on the photo if you want to comment or rate it...
  • Edward Harris

    Let me know when the Coffee zoo is up and active.
    I would like to be a Ask the Guru or Ask the Coffee Guru feature where any one can post questions about Coffee and Coffee machines. I see a lot of confusing and misleading information on the coffee forums on the Internet. There is need for a balanced guidance and view point free from hearsay and innuendos about coffee. There are gangs of opinionated coffee hobbyists on the popular forums and they will push out people with different opinions. That should be stoppped. The Coffee zoo should be a welcome addition to make available a free to express view and to also be a source of tech support.
  • Ellen Bush

    Hey Mike, I invited Yusuf Rouseff from Croatia to join and become my friend which he did a couple of days ago. I didn't see your usual welcome on his page and figured you somehow didn't know he had joined. He is now traveling around the USA getting people interested in Permaculture. He's a very interesting person to get to know.
  • Ellen Bush

    Hi Mike, I see your back home! Welcome back! I wish I could take those two black labs. I have one once when I lived on a farm and dearly loved him! They make wonderful pets! My small apt would not hold them!
  • Lois Hudson

    H Mike,
    Glad to see you're back in Fla. I would love a dog--a lab-- but we have Heidi and no backyard. Maybe the two dogs should not be separated. I hope you found a good home for them.
    I love your photos, especially the butterfly. Mom
  • paul bridgman

    hey mike that picture of the butterfly is fabulous.it makes the best background picture on this here machine.almost can reach out and touch the thing.thanks
  • Darlene and Mike Mcelwee

    do you have any information about the new coop starting soon? we have 10 acres of yummy organic produce we would like to offer them .
  • Darlene and Mike Mcelwee

    A csa Farm is like a coop but we grow for you and pick the boxes in the morning of the schedualed delivery day, basically we are your personal farmers for the 10 weeks that you are a shareholder. cost 299.00 for 10 weeks and we are expanding to gainsville for delivery starting april 28th. i had heard their was a small coop(that buys produce and packs it) that was within your group and i was hoping to connect with them to offer our produce to sell to them.
  • Darlene and Mike Mcelwee

    magnoliafarms.org applications downloadable online and signing jacksonville valdosta ga and gainsville florida at this time.
  • Carol Ann Brooks

    Thanks, Michael. It was nice meeting you too. I'm out of town at the moment but hope to be back in the garden soon.
  • Reza Maghsoudi

    Hi Mike, I'm also glad to find a new friend like you, sorry for being late in answer. I'm a bit busy, but I'll keep update my profile with new photos.
  • sunnypetunia

    Thanks, Mike ... just getting my feet wet here. Appreciate the kind welcome!
  • Carol Ann Brooks

    You are more than welcome for the Basil and Loofah signs. It's a hobby of mine that I really enjoy. I'm back in town - just moved to a new apartment and I've been wanting to get over to the garden but it's been raining every day. I'm thankful for the rain though. We really needed it. See ya soon, I hope. Love your photos!
  • Britt Bosmans

    Thank you Mike. I am sure I will as I have got a bit of time! And I certainly will look at the traveling bit. Speak to you soon :)
  • Charles Burnell, A.P.

    Hey Michael, This looks great. I thought I set up a Zoobird account months ago and then again several days ago. I don't know why those did not take. Anyway, it looks like I'm here now. Thank you. Do come to meditate with us if you get the chance. We had a lively discussion last night after sitting about openness and compassion. I think you would have enjoyed it. All the best. -Charles
  • eddie pasternak

    hey thanks for the zoo tip..best, e
  • Monica Carter

    Hello Michael, I really like your site; I stumbled upon it on Craig's List and was astonished at all you offer :)
    Then I saw Kate's Fish Camp links on all the pages and was blown away. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
    And you joined Friends of Newnan's lake too.
    Anytime you are out our way stop by and Mike (my husband) and I will take you and yours for a boat ride on this beautiful lake, or maybe a jet ski ride :)
    We have Fun! Anyway, I like what you are doing!
  • James Steele

    Hi Michael, glad you like Gainesville Farm Fresh. There's much to do, but in just 3 weeks we have reached 3900 hits so I know there is interest. Love the garden at McRorie and have taken some good photos. Look forward to a good dialogue.
  • mishmael

    Happy Birthday Mike
    "Man, who is by nature selfish, must learn that only in serving others can he reach the full stature or attain the noble destinies for which God created him." HIM Emperor Haile Selassie I
  • Alicia Mohler

    Thank you, Mike. I live in AZ. I teach middle school and we are working on a school yard garden. We are hoping to donate our produce to the community food bank. I am new to gardening, and especially new to organic gardening, so I am really trying to educate myself so I can pass that along to my students. Thanks for the welcome! :)
  • Behr@ng

    Hi Mike!

    I am in Tehran ATM. I had read about that in the news too but I don't know if Monash is affected by it or not. I will go back to Melb on 6th Oct...
  • Behr@ng

    I am too lazy to take photos but I ask my sister to take some and will send 'em to you ;-) How's The Swamp? It's been a great month here. Much cooler and rainier than previous years...
  • mycol stevens

    awesome mike!
    sorry I am bad about checking the emails. Hope all if flowin great and keep up the great work here:)
  • Carol Ann Brooks

    Hi, Michael,
    I gave up my plot at McCrorie because I couldn't seem to get over there and it was so hot, I always seemed to be out of town and I thought someone else could benefit more. In case you don't remember me, I'm the lady who made the signs. How's it going over there?
  • Carol Ann Brooks

    Right now, I don't have a garden, but I live in an apartment building for seniors (I can't believe I'm old enough. Where did the time go?) and the management has promised to dig up a sunny spot for us to have an organic garden. There are quite a few residents here who like to dig in the dirt and grow our own veggies. So, I can't wait. It will be nice not to have to travel to the garden. But I do miss the nice people at McRorie. If you know anyone who wants garden signs, let me know.
  • Jennifer

    Hi Mike! Thank you for all your comments! The painting with the hand and the fish has the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background and a snake crawling through the mountains and up my arm. I hope you have a beautiful holiday weekend!