Michael Levin


Gainesville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

What is your main interest(s)? All of these questions are optional!
Organic Gardening, Vegetarian Cooking, Sustainable Lifestyles, Mind:::Body:::Spirit, Bicycles, Poetry, Helping others, Alternative Energy
If you have an interest not mentioned above, you can note it here.
Photography, creative writing, travel. I ride bikes a lot. I like ethnic cooking. I try to use recipes from interesting spots I've visited to cook tasty dishes made with fresh ingredients.
Do you have a website?
Would you like to share your Reading List with us? Just name a few or as many as you like here. Websites are great, too!
I'm reading "Botany in a Day", by Elpel and following along in Marc Williams website as he annotates the book with his excellent notes. http://www.hopspress.com/Books/Botany_in_a_Day.htm
Anything you'd like to tell about yourself? Where do you live? (optional!)
I live in Florida. I love nature and walks in the woods.

A little about me: http://tinyurl.com/22u237

Comment Wall:

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  • Racine Ba

    Gracias. Urban mandala is indeed a very appropriate title
  • Neal Campbell

    Hey thanks Mike! Diggin the site!
  • Elizabeth Isom

    What is McRorie? I'm new to town. I've spent over an hour on the web trying to find info on the home van and how to volunteer. Now I've found Arupa's page but I'm still not finding out how to volunteer nor do I see the link for the newsletter. Hmmmm Any suggestions???
  • Saroj Earl

    I'd love to hear what you learn from WJ. I've been culturing kombucha for give or take 20 years. I got me a system. In the cold months, the fermentation process takes a little longer but, generally, I have a fresh gallon batch ready every couple weeks - the perfect amount for me to have a cup of kombucha daily.
  • Alan Height

    Hello Mike, one day we'll get together and practice guitar.
  • Jacq Marie Jack

    Hello Mike,

    Jacq Marie the geologist you met at Payne's Prairie sending greetings. Thnak you for the trip report and your wonderful webpage. I look forward to viewing future reports of your adventures.
    Jacq Marie
  • demeter

    First of all, thanks for the lovely welcome. :)

    Answers (and maybe some questions)
    I'm not familiar with Love craft. I know I've been asked this before, but even what it is escapes me at the moment. Instead of looking it up, I'll await your response. I've always found non-Euclidean geometry far more interesting. I suppose some of that is the result of having a grandfather who taught math at NYU. When he would visit, we would sit down after dinner and he would do what I guess are "math tricks"--drawing fractals, showing me a triangle with 90 degree-angles, drawing a triangle on a tennis ball with 270 degree-angles.

    I think the ancient theory of atomic swerves is ridiculous, so yeah, I do believe in hard determinism. Al Mele at FSU just got a 4 million dollar grant to look into the problem of whether we free will. Surely you don't need me to point out a philosopher getting that sort of grant money is unheard of!

    As for palindromes, what isn't interesting about them? I guess I've also noticed that these numbers follow me around. Most of my government issued ID has a palindrome. My birthday contains one (you notice that when you're a child and bubbling in your DOB on a standardized test), etc. I would say that when I do go to a store, I end up paying for a number that is a palindrome. Perhaps it's just the symmetry. Verbal palindromes are quite fun, too, but don't follow me around as much.

    How's your kale doing?
  • german Rosillo

    I am very happy to be here too. I will work on my page soon. Ciao miguelito
  • Mark Venzke

    Howdie, Mike.

    Well, I am finally an accessing member of Zoobird. After going through the motions to become a member about three weeks ago, I could not access my account. After going through the same motions during this past week, I can now access my account.

  • Ecopepper

    Can't wait to dig in. Thanks for the Welcome!!
  • elle

    Hai, and thanks! landed on your site after searching Villin Cycles. Great article on them, by the way! I'm hoping to be the happy owner of one very soon :)
  • Kayla Sosnow

    Thanks! That was fast. Was that you or automatic?
  • Kayla Sosnow

    I already follow you on Twitter; thought I was registered here, oh well! You're doing a great service and it's inspiring to see how successful. Right on!
  • Katie Krzak

    Hey! I'm back in Chicago until school starts again. It was great meeting you! I haven't had time yet to explore the website too much- but look forward to doing so and keeping up with your travels/experiences. :0)
  • Samuel Evans

    Thanks Mike, hope to see you again next time your in Portland.
  • Seth Sovak

    So what am I? Chopped liver?? I don't get a garden gift or mandala???
  • Seth Sovak

    Funny, out here near Boulder Colorado...they still call those hub caps
    If yours are still missing, try the local chop shops or junk yards...it may be a stretch, but even the pawn stores just in case.
    I do hope you get them back though...I would be happy to put them on my ride any day
  • Tjasa Torres

    ah! more learning on this site. it seems labyrinth-like (-: hopefully not for long
  • Jennifer

    Hi Mike! It has been a long time, but I feel compelled to actively join zoobird again! I remember when we met at the Portland Hostel, my husband and I were visiting Portland to see if we wanted to move there and I am very happy to say we made it here! Your site has grown so very much, it is incredible to see all the blogs and groups that are up!

    I hope all is well and peaceful in you life!

  • chia rose and taras

    i just found out the property we bought was the gateless zen meditation center...now in downtown gainesville

    i looked them up and their logo is cool, 

    going to use it as my labyrinth garden!



  • chia rose and taras

    the gateless zen center is the one yes on 4th 

    i got a letter from a death row inmate asking for literature!!! thats how i found out this was it ...

    its got meditation gazebos around, and rv hook-ups, and and old mobile home, studio/barn

    there is irrigation and electric all over the place

  • chia rose and taras

    no its not the zen hostel,

    its the gateless zen meditation center...

  • Abhishek Mukherjee

    Thanks for profiling me.
  • Ellen Bush

    Hi Michael-I have gotten on here a couple of times recently to see whats going on.  I always enjoy your travel stories and your envior ideas.  Pray all is well with you and yours.  Have a wonderful week!  God Bless!
  • Chandra

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you. I am looking forward to learning more about zoobird. Take care!

    Peace :)

  • Michael Levin

  • Maria Minno

    Thank you for the urban mandala.  I love it.  It's beautiful.  It is surrounded by a plant that is very sacred to me, Virginia Creeper.
  • sjc

    hey mike....nice site.  my wife saw me when i logged on and she was instantly curious.  i bet you will see her on here soon.
  • Evan Sundgren

    Mike, It's a little late notice, but you may still be interested in this. http://www.connectb2bexpo.com/ It starts today, Monday, at 1 pm. Several social media components and good local networking opportunities for a social media'st such as yourself. Cheers. Evan.
  • Sky Levi Smith

    Awesome site man! Thanks for the invite my man. :)
  • Tim Kinney

    Hey Mike

    Here's a link to the nitto stems on Niagra Bike Parts.  They come in 25.4 c as well as 26 c so you'll have to measure your bars.



  • Nancy Conrad

    Hi from peaceful Steinhatchee,

    We have been having beautiful weather and our gardens are growing like weeds. The river is flowing slowly towards the bay begging the kayaks and canoes to 'come on in'. As I had mentioned, life doesn't get much better than it does here.

    I enjoyed meeting you and spending a couple hours picking your brain (what a brain). We missed you at our St Paddy's party. It was good food ( home grown cabbage and potatoes) and lots of laughing. Eating and laughing are things we are really goodd at.

    Hope you enjoyed Steinhatchee as much as we enjoyed you being here. Let us know when you are coming back.


  • Serena Smyle

    Thank you Michael! I'm happy I found your website! I will try to go by the park tomorrow morning to see if there are still people meeting for yoga. There is no phone number or email to find out otherwise. :)

  • Serena Smyle


  • William Wallace

    Hi Michael yes nice to have met you at the beautiful hostel yes you had the correct website at .org sorry i thought we were .net also.  i will visit your site often. Thanks bill

  • William Wallace

    Hi Michael, Thanks for accepting me as a member on your site, you found our website at Wildcat sorry i gave you a .net instead of a .org  Can you add our fungal workshop on your site as an event?  I will attach the announcement in case you can post. Thanks for the beautiful, informative site. billFungi%20workshop%20at%20Wildcat%20Creek%20Educational%20Center.jpg

  • Phillip Smith

    thanks for the welcome Michael...the hostel  is a wonderful consistent model of community at its best...it was great to meet you.....look forward to seeing you at wildcat sometime

  • Jose Baranenko

    Thank you for the mandala. great concept, friends, family, life...

  • Brie Akins

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I will contribute something soon!

  • KrishnaPokhrel


    Nameste and welcome to The Love Company.

    We are a small yet big hearted orphanage in need for Volunteers with a love for children and an open mind to help bring joy and love to our children.

    The Love Company was founded over 3 years ago in Pokhara and is in existence today only because of its kind hearted and spirited volunteers. To continue to nurture these children and to help sustain the orp
    hanage we require the humble help of volunteers. No matter how small or large your contribution maybe, it will make a positive difference to the children and to the running of the orphanage.

    Currently we have 14 children, ranging from 3 to 11 years old and all with their own heartfelt stories to tell.
    They come from all backgrounds including coming from broken homes, being abused by their families with some children also being rescued from the streets of Nepal.

    We are a not for profit organization with your donations and fees going directly to the children and running of the orphanage.

    If you are not able to volunteer you can help in other ways such as clothes , stationeries, donations of toys and gifts for the children or alternatively monetary contributions are also most welcome.
    It is possible to sponsor a child from our orphanage.

    For further information please contact Krishna on:-

    Facebook Page:Children Home Nepal

  • mishmael

    greetings Mikey

    doing well in Humboldt County right now glad to hear all is well in FLA !!!

    i'll try to post some pictures of living in the mountains of Humboldt before I leave to go snowboarding on Mt. Hood


  • pete korhonen

    Hi Michael,

    I will send an update soon, I promise! =)

    take care,


  • Jamie Seed

    Hey brother!  I joined this crazy site just to try to tell you about Nahko's tuning for "Black as the Night"....it is OPEN D  DADF#AD  and then just strum the drone open, and use an E shape for the other main chord.  Watch his hands in the vid once you tune to Open D and you'll grasp it real quick.  Let me know if you have questions!  I BELIEVE IN THE GOOD THINGS COMIN'....

  • bradford powell

    Several years ago a gathering of international stone masons met in Barre Vt for a weeklong symposium.  I'm standing under an arch built by a novice so I couldn't wait for the race which started under the arch to begin.

    Building walls without mortar is my new passion.  The long standing passion that brought me to this site  is bicycling.  Are there any cycle savvy members here?

  • Jamin Nichols

    Thanks Mike.  Took a little bit to sign up since you told me about it but happy I did.

  • Christine Cole

    Thanks, Michael!  I followed links from the pics of the stingrays, but did that mostly because I liked what you said about yourself.  I love to have similar birds  "in my space".  :-)

  • Ba Ba Bryan Konrad

    Nice to meet you too!
  • Vaisnavi Aurubind

    Hi Mike! I know, our Galapagos trip really was wonderful wasn't it? It's such a shame what's happening there at the moment, to think that the next generation might not get to see what we did. What horrifies me the most is how little the world seems to care, it's been a week and still not even a mention in any of the news here.

    Hopefully we can get some support behind the Galapagenos!

    Thanks for sharing this page with me, it looks like an interesting space, but it might take me a while to figure out how to use it properly! :P

  • Takako Takizuka

    Thank you so much for introducing me to your wonderful Zoobird, Mike I am so lucky that I met you at the hostel. Please keep feeding me more precious information about Portland and life. 

  • Vaisnavi Aurubind

    Hi Mike, thanks for sending me that article. I realised the situation was getting pretty bad, but not to that extent. I have a BBC news app on my phone that is my main source of news at the moment, and there is a section specific to Latin America, but none of this has even had a mention. Just goes to show that even large, international news sources are following the Correa line, which is appalling.

    It's hard to believe how far its escalated. I fell in love with Ecuador when I was there and its awful to see what's happening to it. Not sure what we can do to help other than trying to make more people aware?